Ethno Finland will be organised for the first time from the 3rd to the 9th August 2015. It takes place in Päivölän virkistyskoti in Nummela, Vihti, an idyllic location situated by the lake, a great sauna that will be warm every evening!
Ethno Finland is aimed at advanced young folk musicians aged between 18- and 25 and half of the participants comes from abroad.
(Address of the camp: Taivaantie 41, 03100 Nummela, 45km to the west from Helsinki centre. Possibility of going by bus from Helsinki Airport to Helsinki Centre, timetables here: From Nummela center 2,4 km to Päivölä:
Ethno is based on a series of workshops where young participants themselves teach each other the music of their cultures. The idea is to give young musicians a time to develop musically, create new contacts and network over borders: creating understanding and respect towards other people and cultures.
Allan Skrobe, brilliant guitar and mandola player from Skåne and Croatia, Ethno leader veteran that has done more than 20 Ethno´s in many countries!
Antti Järvelä, brilliant violin, guitar, contrabass etc. player from Kaustinen/Härmä. Ethno leader that has done several Ethno´s
The fee is:
- 300 Euro for participants from Finland.
- 290 Euro for participants from other Nordic countries.
- 250 Euro for participants from the rest of the world.
Find HERE the application form.
For further info visit:
Ethno Finland 2015 is organized by Suomen Kansanmusiikkiliitto / Finnish Folk Music Association in co-operation with Konserttikeskus, DUNK, Lirarna / Martin Wegelius intstitutet, Käpylän musiikkiopiston kansanmusiikkilinja and Maailman musiikin keskus / Global Music Centre.
Ethno is a program of Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI), the world’s largest network for youth and music.